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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
Telephone 02920 733694

8th June 2020


Please continue to practise Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds. Continue to work on learning these sounds by sight and writing them correctly.  You could challenge your child to write these sounds in words and then in sentences should you feel they need extending.


If you feel your child is now secure with both Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds, they can now move onto Phase 4. In Phase 4 children are not taught any new phonemes (the sounds) or graphemes (the way it is written). Instead, they are taught to further manipulate the phonemes and graphemes they have already learnt. Many of the words children explored in Phase 2 and 3 were monosyllabic (words of one syllable). You can find the Phase 4 mat below along with some activities for all phases that your child can complete.

High Frequency Words

Please continue to practise the high frequency words that the children have already begun to learn. Your child should continue to learn these set by set. Once your child has learnt a set, challenge them to write the word on a piece of paper, focusing on correct spelling. Extend the activity by encouraging them to write the word in a simple sentence.  Please find these under the 'High Frequency Word' section on the Homework page.  Below are some extra activities to practise reading high frequency words.


  1. Reading comprehension book pg.11 'Tell the story'
  2. All children have been assigned books on their Bug Club account according to their appropriate level.



  1. PenPals for Handwriting workbook two pg.18-19 'Practising one-armed robot letters: k, p'



  1. Problem Solving workbook pg.12 'At the Sweet Shop'
  2. Doubling and halving - All children have been assigned a range of practical activities, practise sheets and resources on their Bug Club account to consolidate their skills. 


Ideas for some fun practical Maths activities with a focus on counting:


  • Cut fruit into six pieces and ask your child to count the pieces.
  • Count the pieces of toast you cooked at breakfast.
  • Add the total number of cutlery items at the table.
  • Count the number of people travelling in the car or on the bus.
  • Count the number of houses as you walk along the street.
  • Count how many steps it takes to walk from the kitchen to the bathroom.
  • Practise counting when food shopping with your child. For example, counting the number of apples you put into the bag. Encourage your child to talk about the number of things in the pictures they draw.


Creative Writing Task

This week we would like children to invent their own sea animal.  We would like them to write about what it looks like, the features of their animal, how it feels, how the animal moves in the water and any other interesting facts or information about their new animal.  An example is provided below.

*Challenge  - Use lots of different describing words to describe your new animal.

**Super challenge - Use a connective to extend your sentences.  


Children are asked to email a picture of their written work or a word document of their writing to the teachers via the Hwb emails on the 'Homework' page, where teachers will then provide appropriate feedback.  They can also send any other pictures of learning they have been completing.
