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Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

Today I would like you to play 'I spy' and see if you can spot something beginning with each letter of the alphabet. You can be creative and use adjectives to help you with some of the tricky ones. 

See my example below. 

a - apple

b - brick 

c - clover 

d - dirt 

e - empty bucket 

f - flower 

g - gravel 

h - hedge

i - ice

j - jumping bugs

k - kia car 

l - leaves 

m - mud 

n - nettles 

o - orange berries 

p - pebbles

q - quick runners

r - railings 

s - stingers

t - trees

u - umbrella

v - vauxhall car

w - windows

(containing) x - excited dog

y - yellow leaves

z -  zooming cars

