Sofia Owl is setting us a challenge.
Today we are going to make a real effort to keep fit. I want you to set 5 alarms throughout your day. You can do this on your tablet or ask a family member to set one on their phone or on an alarm clock.
During the day we are going to stop what we are doing every time the alarm goes off.
We will do this 5 times during the day and each time we will do a different exercise.
You can choose what exercise you do. It might be star jumps or press ups.
We are choosing to do this because we believe it’s important to keep fit and we are making a commitment to keeping fit and healthy.
We are doing this to understand the commitment that Muslims make to pray 5 times during each day.
At end of day - answer these questions:
How did you feel? Did it interrupt your day? Did you find it easier to learn afterwards? Would you choose to do that every day?