School Closure Home Learning
Below you will find home learning tasks for your children complete during the closure of the school.
You need to click on the notepad for each week to see the tasks.
Each week we would like you to complete the following tasks:
Practice the 10 spelling words of the week using the read, cover, write method.
Complete one page in your spelling book
1. All children have been assigned books on their BugClub account.
2. Complete one page in your comprehension book.
1. Complete one page in your grammar book
1. Complete a creative writing task. This will be set on the website and also on Google Classrooms. You can log into our Google Classrooms through Hwb. Please see the PPT below for details on how to use Google Classrooms.
1. All children have been assigned numeracy games, practice sheets, problem solving tasks and method videos on Bug Club to consolidate their skills learnt this term.
2. Complete one Maths paper
Bug Club Reading
We hope that you and your child will enjoy using this fantastic resource, Bug Club is a finely-levelled reading scheme which ensures that all children can find books at exactly the right level for them.
Using the online reading world
If you have access to an internet connection, your child can enjoy reading Bug Club books online. Each child has a unique homepage and can log into it by following these steps:
1. Go to (or the link below)
2. Enter the login details; these have been written in the front of your child's reading record.
username: First name 16
password: cat1
school code: glyn
3. Your child’s homepage will appear.
We allocate books to your child according to their reading levels. These books will appear in the ‘My Stuff’ area of their personal homepages. Throughout the books there are quiz questions for your child to complete. To answer a question, just click on the bug icon. Your child does not need to finish all the quiz questions in one sitting and can come back to a book later.
If you need to contact your teacher because you have lost your logins or you would like to submit questions please email:
Mrs Sim:
Miss Razzell:
Thank you,
Mrs Sim and Miss Razzell
Google Classroom
Creative writing tasks and maths challenges will be uploaded to our Google Classrooms where children can submit and receive feedback on their work.
To access Google Classroom please follow the steps below:
- login to Hwb
- select Google for Education
- You may need to log into google classroom USE YOUR HWB EMAIL AND PASSWORD again
- select our classroom
Here you will be able to view the tasks which your teachers have assigned - create your own documents and have them marked online.
(If you experience any difficulties with this please contact me using the form at the top of this page)